• Our online database hosts a pool of real estate professionals from under-represented groups who work in the European built environment industry. Click on one of the buttons below to find out how it works for you.


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    As a relevant expert for the database, you will be invited to complete an online profile telling us about your industry experience and the topics on which you can contribute.

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    Registered event organisers and journalists visit our website to search the database to find professionals that match their requirements. They can find you by searching company type, expertise, sector and geography, as well as which group you represent.

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    If they are interested in inviting you to speak, they send you an email from the website. And, that’s the start of the conversation.

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    Keep us up to date on your news so we can promote your activities as part of our network.

Event Organisers

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    As an event organiser, you apply to be a free registered user of our database. You can work for commercial or non-profit organisations or a marketing team within an industry company. Otherwise, please get in touch.

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    You can do a free search or filter by company type, expertise, geography or sector.

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    Once you find a potential speaker, you email through the website to extend an invitation or start a conversation with them.

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    Look out for news from our network for inspiration and ideas for event topics and speakers.


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    As a journalist, you apply to be a free registered user of our database to give you access to potential interviewees.

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    Once your registration is approved, you can access the online database to find under-represented professionals to interview for upcoming articles. You can do a free search or filter by company type, expertise, geography or sector.

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    Once you identify a potential interviewee, you can email her press team through the website to make a media request.